Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Excited & Proud

I'm so excited and proud!
Every since I started Effortless Everyday Style I always wanted to build a website. I downloaded every supposedly easy "do-it-yourself" website builder, but it was like another language to me. At 44 and a house to run and kids that need something every minute, loads of laundry to do and way too many bathrooms to clean, I couldn't seem get my 44 year old unfocas-able brain around these "easy" websites. I could have hired someone to build it for me, but A. I really wasn't looking to spend the money to do it and B. I was super determined to build and design it myself.
So this week I was beyond determined to get this done, with the encouragement and advice of my incredibly bright computer minded 11 year old, I locked myself in my room with my computer and I got to it. I ignored texts and calls and the laundry, and my carpal tunnel is fully flared up  but I've been in the zone and I am happy to share with you my baby!
 It may not be the fanciest or perfect, it may be slightly glitchy, but then again so am I.


  1. Congratulations Jen! So proud of you for getting this done! It looks great - as do you.

    Hugs, Diane

    1. Thank you Diane, It was definitely a huge accomplishment for me!
      xo jen

  2. Congrats!! Good for you for following your dreams.

  3. Looks great Jen, very professional. Let me know if you need help promoting it.


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